22 June 2001

The F.I.V. Congress took place in the prestigious Town Hall situated in the Doge's Place of Nevers.

At the presence of all the delegates of nation Vespa Clubs adherent to the F.I.V. , the President Christa Solbach, illustrated the activities carried out during the year 2000 and announced as well the future programs.

The Eurovespa 2002 will take place in Viterbo ¡Ð Italy ¡]80 Km from Rome¡^ in June 28-30 , and the Prisident of thelocal Club gave news on the event, by expressing also his thankfulness for being chosen to organize the rally and announced that the local Authoriyies had already declared their availability to offer an active cooperation in order that the event may be a success.

The President talked also about the two new Vespa Clubs which become members of the Organization¡GTaiwan and Luxemburg.

She remembered as well that the spirit of association of the existing Clubs is of vital importance and that many are the initiatives that take place all over the world.

At the end of the Congress¡Aa new request of adhesion was presented from Vespa Club Brazil.