Fourchambault-Nevers,22-24 June 2001

The Eurovespa that took place a few days ago in Nevers-Fourchambault,organized by Vespa Club France and the cooperation of the Federation Internationale Des Vespa Clubs ended up with much success.

The Authorities of both towns mentioned above contributed with engagement to the achievement of the event.

Great was the enthusiasm of the 2200 participants regularly registered, and to them other several hundreds of Vespa drivers gathered during the concentration. Everything was done with the due order, be it during the transfers, the reception and the prize giving ceremony. Much appreciated was the visit to the Magny-Cours race and especially the tour track.

Even the parade in the towns of Nevers and Fourchambault was very much appreciated by the Vespa drivers who were welcomed with a lot of sympathy by the citizens of both towns.

The President of Vespa Club France and his numerous Staff members, did all they could in order to assist the participants at any time and, in a particular way , they administrated very well the evening of the grand official banquet , as well as the spectacle, were very pleasant. Mrs. Christa Solbach , President of the Federation Internationale Des Vespa Clubs , announced before the Authorities , that the next Eurovespa would take place at Viterbo.

The Authorities of the Commune of that town addressed the invitation to participate to the Eurovespa of next year , announcing nnot only the most kind welcome , but they talked also of the wonderful surroundings which are surely of great interest.

The presence then of Vespa drivers coming from other continents as USA , Taiwan , Argentina and Vietnam, was greeted in a special way by all the participants who, sympathizing, demonstrated their joy for having the occasion to meet these people.

The huge feast ended in front of the Doge's Palace of Nevers, in the presence of all the Authorities and a large crowd of citizens with marvelous and good wishes fire works which enthusiasmated all the Vespa drivers.